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Win a Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100

1 prize to be won!

Enter now to win the Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 – your essential companion for a revitalizing start to the day and a calming end to the night. Designed with cutting-edge technology and a sleek, modern aesthetic, this innovative sunrise alarm clock is here to elevate your daily routine and help you achieve a better, more energized lifestyle.

Wake up naturally and gradually as the Bodyclock Spark 100 simulates a sunrise to gently rouse you from sleep, mimicking the natural light of dawn. In the evening, the sunset simulation helps you wind down, promoting a peaceful transition to a restful night's sleep.

Tailor your experience with fully customizable light settings, allowing you to choose the intensity and color of the light to suit your preferences and room ambiance. Whether you prefer a warm, soft glow or a brighter, energizing light, Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 has you covered.

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 19/09/2025.


Lumie Bodyclock Spark 100 x1